Manage your Privacy

At Goboservice we take the privacy of our customers very seriously. For this reason we follow strict procedures in the collection and processing of data.

Legal documents

Some documents are redirected by region. If you want to access documents from another region, use the menu on the right side of a document page to access all the different regions.

Cookie policy

See our cookie policy


Privacy Policy

See our privacy policy


Germany / Austria

Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions of use of the site


Accessibility and safety

Manage consent

Here you can manage the consent to cookies on this website and use our data request form.

Your preferences for cookies

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Enter your details
What right do you intend to exercise?
If necessary, detail your request
Based on your choice and the relevant laws we will start the process in the time window specified for your region. You will receive a confirmation email at the end. We will keep the request on file, as required by law.

Cookie consent

We use cookies to optimize our website and services.

We remind you that even selecting the “X (close)” option or selecting the “reject all” option, the necessary technical cookies will be installed on your device to allow you to continue browsing the site. For more details see our cookie policy.  

contact us for a quote

Send your request for a quote and we will get back to you within a few hours!

Remember that we produce both projectors and gobos for all types of projectors and moving heads on the market, but you can also request just one of the two products.e

Íoslódáil catalóg ár n-arm

Inár gCatalóg Táirge gheobhaidh tú tuilleadh eolais ar Goboservice ach thar aon rud eile ar shaintréithe teicniúla ár dteilgeoirí.

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Contatto telefonico
Selezionandolo l’Utente acconsente al trattamento dei dati personali, anche con modalità automatizzate, finalizzato all’invio di comunicazioni relative a prodotti e servizi Goboservice, al fine di ricevere materiale informativo, promozionale e/o partecipare a ricerche di mercato mediante diversi mezzi di comunicazione. Prestando il proprio consenso l’Utente riceverà occasionalmente comunicazioni inerenti a sconti, promozioni, offerte, campagne, inviti e altre iniziative riservate agli utenti registrati.
Selezionandolo l’Utente acconsente al trattamento dei dati personali mediante modalità automatizzate, per personalizzare i servizi forniti e meglio indirizzare le proposte promozionali grazie ad attività di profilazione. L’eventuale diniego non consentirà a Goboservice di effettuare comunicazioni personalizzate e selezionate relative a sconti, promozioni, offerte, campagne, inviti e altre iniziative dedicate agli utenti registrati.
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