
A new art initiative has sprung up in the heart of Uppsala, transforming the facades of three buildings into a vibrant canvas of light and shadow. This innovative project, a collaboration between Effektljus and the architecture, engineering and consulting firm Ramboll, demonstrates the potential of gobo projections in enhancing urban spaces.


The projection was achieved through the use of three Divum 30k projectors, known for their power and definition. The black-and-white gobos made it possible to project clear and vivid images perfectly harmonized in consistency and proportion to the geometry of the buildings. The mapped projection was made by accurate dimensional and quantitative calculations.

The installation aims to grace the city during the darkest hours and encourage passersby to rediscover these familiar spaces in a new light.

The work was met with extraordinary enthusiasm, capturing the attention of both residents and visitors. It not only aesthetically enriches the city, but also stimulates greater community involvement with public spaces, thus testifying to the crucial role of art in our society.


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