
The Normandy landings of June 6, 1944 were aided by the extraordinary action of American paratroopers who were dropped behind enemy lines to capture strategic targets such as bridges and road junctions.
Some of the landing areas of the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions are the towns of Carentan, Picauville and Sainte-Mère-Église. In the latter, a particular episode occurred that has gone down in history.
On the night of June 5-6, Private John Steele, struck while descending from German anti-aircraft guns, became entangled in a church steeple. He hung on the structure pretending to be dead so as not to be further shot, and only in the morning was he captured by the Germans. He then managed to escape and rejoin his unit, continuing the march to Paris.
The episode, recalled in a famous scene in the film “The Longest Day,” is one of many that occurred at those tragic and heroic junctures 80 years ago that began the liberation of the European continent from Nazism.
The contribution of airborne troops was inspired by Lighting Design agency Timothé Toury with the valuable support of CRÉLIGHT Illuminations, Goboservice’s exclusive partner for France.
To celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings, the Toury-led team, known for innovative and exciting light installations, conceived four different evocative settings in both Carentan and Sainte-Mère-Église and Picauville.
In Carentan, the town hall has undergone extraordinary mapping. Five Divum 50k Zoom Led were used on the building. With these machines, with the professional support of Romain Pichand and Julie Faitout, and the expertise of Goboservice graphic designers, Toury succeeded in its intent to “paint the paratroopers in the sky” evoking the emotions of that night 80 years ago.

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The sharp, smudge-free contrast between lights and unlit sectors, the definition of architectural elements down to the individual minute lines of the parachutes, once again testify to the extreme precision achieved and guaranteed not only by Goboservice-branded projectors but also by the entire “value chain.” In fact, the process leading to gobos marking is marked by high levels of accuracy and quality control that have distinguished Goboservice’s style of work since the company’s inception.
The versatility of light communication is further evidenced by the projections in Republic Square where, with two more Divum 50k projectors, the photographic image of a group of officers and the silhouette of the war memorial were transmitted. Again, the screenings were the result of international teamwork that brought together artistic insights and production technique to maximize the celebratory narrative of the historic occasion.


Writes agency Timothé Toury: “by illuminating its monuments in a spectacular way, Carentan aspires to strengthen its cultural and tourist attractiveness. The light projectors will provide unique and immersive visual experiences creating a festive and engaging atmosphere. This project is part of an innovative way of promoting local heritage and stimulating local life“.
A more institutional choice is the one made in the two towns of Sainte-Mère-Église et Picauville where the smaller, but no less performing, Divum 30k Led were used. In Sainte-Mère-Église, the Cotentin Bay tourism office was decorated with a massive projection of the official 80th anniversary logo. Picauville also followed this visual style, with the logo projected on the roof of the media library to emphasize the importance of this anniversary for the entire Normandy region.

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Concludes the agency, “These events, aim to create a memorable and historically respectful experience, using the latest artistic technologies to engage and inspire audiences.” Gracious attestation of how, again and again, Goboservice projectors prove their usefulness in building effective and winning communication projects.

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