Made in Italy light projections in Paris to save the Brazilian rainforest


That the Goboservice has always been a company particularly sensitive to the environment is well known. In the technological construction choices, for example, we invested in a convinced way in energy saving with the use of lamps with high luminous efficiency.

This attention to natural resources has found further confirmation in a visual communication project carried out at the Quai Branly Museum in Paris, where until 10 November it will be possible to admire the work entitled “In the memory of the world”.

In the avenues around the cultural institute, 13 Golux Plus projectors rented by the museum project the faces of the Surui Indians, members of an indigenous Brazilian community at risk of extinction due to wild deforestation, onto the foliage of the trees. A background sound setting, reminiscent of the sounds of the Brazilian forest, helps to increase the suggestion of the images engraved in gray scale on the dichroic gobos purchased by the museum management. The details and expressions of the faces, faithfully reproduced on the small glass discs by the Goboservice graphic designers, suddenly enlarge without losing sharpness and definition, on the contrary taking shape, life and color from the rustle of the trees themselves.

The images were taken in 2016 by Philippe Echaroux , a visionary street artist  French, which for years has been fighting in favor of  Amazon rainforest .

There  tribe Surui  for decades it has survived the consumerist aggression of the industrial West. To counter this threat – today more pressing than ever given the ultra-liberal policies of the Brazilian government – the project “The Blood Forest, an innovative and effective form of Street Art with which the French artist tries to shake Westerners, ultimate recipients as consumers of products made with Amazonian deforestation.

With the projections generated by Echaroux, a form of environmental counter-globalization in which the sensitivity of the French artist finds concrete confirmation in Italian technology to contribute to the preservation of the main ecosystem of the planet.

The bond between man and tree thus effectively synthesized by the luminous projection of the Golux Goboservice becomes the icon of a renewed ecological conscience now undelayable and urgent as evidenced by the extreme and violent meteorological events that are increasingly multiplying throughout the globe.

Here is some feedback from the customer P. Echaroux after using our GoLux Plus: “Produire de art c est faire rêver mais aussi réfléchir les gens, un artiste ou un artisan n’est rien sans de bons outils. Avec ces projecteurs je sais que je n’ai aucun souci de qualité à me faire, ni de puissance je peux donc me concentrer sur mon rôle principal, la création. “


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