Terms and conditions

1. Ownership and acceptance of the conditions of use of the site

These Terms of Use (Conditions) regulate access to this website and to other sites relating to the goboservice.com domain (Site), as well as to all information of any kind and to the services provided to the user on the same.

The site is aimed at Professionals, i.e. natural or legal persons acting in the context of their business or professional activity, or their intermediaries.

The Site is owned by SUNLAND OPTICS Srl (Company) with registered office in Reggio Calabria, Via Vecchia Provinciale Archi n. 167-89121, VAT number: 02160630808, the same constitutes a means of information on the activity carried out and, the attached store allows the online sale of the products sold there. By using the Site, the user accepts these Conditions, if the user does not intend to accept the Conditions, he must refrain from using the Site.

The Company reserves the right to modify these Terms at its discretion and without notice. These changes are effective from the moment the modified Terms of Use are published on the Site. Users of the Site are invited to regularly consult the Conditions to check for any changes. By continuing to browse the Site, the user accepts the modified Terms of Use even in the absence of prior consultation of the same.

2. Use of the site by the user

The User assumes full responsibility for the use of the Site, information, third party information and hypertext links on the Site.

The user undertakes not to use any type of device, software or routine designed to interfere or attempt to interfere with the correct and normal functioning of the Site and the use of the same by other users.

The user undertakes not to use the Site and the Information for carrying out activities contrary to the law and to these Conditions.

3. Product information

Through the Site it is possible to request, if the user wishes, information on the products by following the instructions contained in the dedicated page.

4. Privacy

The personal data provided by the user will be protected in accordance with the relevant information pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) which can be consulted in the appropriate section of the Site.

5. Copyright information

All logos and trademarks on the Site are the property of their respective licensees.

The texts, articles, photographs and documentation in electronic format present on this site, unless otherwise expressly indicated, are the exclusive property of SUNLAND OPTICS srl and are considered “information for the public”. Reproduction is prohibited by any analog or digital means without the consent of the Company. Citations are permitted provided they are accompanied by the Company’s references and an indication of the source, including the electronic address www.goboservice.com . Any content owned by third parties will indicate the respective origin or a suitable citation will be present to guarantee the attribution of rights to the legitimate owners or authors.

6. Limits of Liability?

We decline all responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions that may be found in the contents of the site despite the authors taking the best care for their realization.

The company “SUNLAND OPTICS srl” cannot be held responsible in any way for any damage of any nature that may be caused directly or indirectly by accessing this website, by the inability or impossibility of accessing it, by relying on the information contained therein or from their use.

The company also declines any responsibility for acts, omissions or conduct carried out by third parties connected to the use of the Site and / or the Information. The company is therefore not responsible for damages deriving from the use of electronic means of communication, including, by way of example and not limited to, damages from failure or late offer of electronic communications, from interception or alteration of electronic communications by third parties. or by computer programs used for electronic communications and for the transmission of viruses.

The hypertext links on the Site can direct visitors to external websites managed by third parties. SUNLAND OPTICS srl is not responsible for the contents and operation of such external websites, any indication of links does not imply any type of approval or condition of responsibility with respect to the contents of such sites, the quality of the products or services offered by the themselves, as well as their conditions of use.

SUNLAND OPTICS Srl reserves the right to modify, suspend, limit or interrupt access to the Site, or part of it and / or the Information, at any time and without notice.

7. Social networks and platforms

These Conditions also apply, insofar as they are compatible, to the consultation of the GOBOSERVICE profiles of SUNLAND OPTICS Srl, or in any case attributable to the same, present on social networks and platforms, as well as to the use of information and / or information of third parties contained therein. .

6. Applicable legislation?

Access to the Site, use of the same, and any dispute connected to them or connected to these Conditions are governed by the Italian legislation in force.